IO1 – A comprehensive roadmap of types of courses and its transfer needs
IO1 output is a roadmap summing up the key features of the most common language courses, grouped in a modular way in order to be treated separately and in combination among them, together with the map of the most common and the specific needs of learners and trainers, obstacles, habits and behaviour of the target groups in the perspective of changing the language courses into online courses.
The roadmap analyses in detail which parts of it to transfer and how to keep the learning tempo and effectivity and to minimise a potential delay in time and learning process.
This analysis concentrates on particular components of each course – listening, practicing, explanation of grammar and language architecture, individual exercises, vocabulary, communication and use of active language, group tasks, etc. – and provide a detailed description of the basic types of language courses.
The modular approach of the roadmap represents a facilitation in terms of product transferability, which can be easily applied in various contexts, even if only by simply joining the modules in a different way, or by applying the same study and mapping technique in different thematic contexts.
The final report on IO1 is helpful for teachers, students, organisations / facilitators for each type of course to understand their training needs and transfer mode from face-to-face to online language courses. In particular, the contents of the final report on IO1 feature some important tools for teachers, students, language schools, NGO working with languages:
• A desk-based analysis on language courses: a compared analysis from all partner countries collecting literature review and case studies on best practices of successful transfer from face-to-face to distance learning;
• Main findings from the focus groups with target groups and stakeholders in Italy, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria exploring the training needs of the different target groups;
• A description of the basic types of language courses;
• A map of the most common and specific needs of learners and trainers of language courses.